Active speakers with D'Appolito design are a potential reference for playing music from PC

The new reference for playing music with a PC could be the active two-way Sveda Audio speakers with danish electroacoustic transducers in the D'Appolito configuration. British journalist wrote about them in September 2020: A two-way stand-mount, these hefty beasts have three drive units on the front baffle of the sealed enclosure, the soft-dome tweeter in the centre of two 7-inch coarse-textured paper cones. Created in Poland, and utilizing drive units from Scanspeak in a vertical d’Appolito array, the Blipo is a £5,490 package (sans the dedicated two- four- and six-legged stand options) which includes 300W Class A/B amps for the mid/woofer drivers and 80W of power for the tweeter. 380 Watts per side in an active arrangement is capable of generating as much energy as most domestic environments will ever need.
An accurate summary is also in the test published on October 28, 2021. It’s quite clear that Sveda Audio Blipo Home U22+ is for financially capable individuals who pursue tastefully served sonic correctness, top shelf versatility and overall suchness, and are ready to empty their audio racks to get there. For them transitioning to this fully adult marvel won’t be a sacrifice in the slightest, but a smart move and pure gains. I’m also certain that Blipo Home U22+ will leave many seasoned enthusiasts just as impressed as it had left me. It’s silly good and has what it takes to stomp on many dearer regular setups with disturbing ease. To match its red color I was about to finish this story accordingly, but Arek spilled the beans that he’s nearly done with something substantially bolder that I’d like I have to hear first. Stay tuned and ‘til next time!

The closed housing has been carefully thought out and calculated for MTM with active crossover filters. Inside it has many walls that provide maximum damping and the whole structure is very rigid. The electronics are at the back and hidden in a separate chamber.

The illustration shows the difference between traditional two-way speakers and MTM. This solution directly refers to the advantages of coaxial and wideband electroacoustic transducers. Wikipedia states that: The midwoofer-tweeter-midwoofer loudspeaker configuration (called MTM, for short) was a design arrangement from the late 1960s that suffered from serious lobing issues that prevented its popularity until it was perfected by Joseph D'Appolito as a way of correcting the inherent lobe tilting of a typical mid-tweeter (MT) configuration, at the crossover frequency, unless time-aligned.[1] In the MTM arrangement the loudspeaker uses three drivers: Two mid-range (or mid-woofer/woofer) for the low frequencies and a tweeter for the higher frequencies, with the tweeter being placed between the mid-range drivers (as shown in the second image below). D'Appolito initially configured his design using a 3rd order (18 dB/oct or 60 dB/dec) crossover, D'Appolito has since amended this original recommendation in favor of 4th order topology. However, this does not impart any significant effect on the MTM design's unique characteristics.
Sveda Audio also offers two subwoofers that have been created with the same care and also have closed housings to be able to reproduce the lowest tones very faithfully. They are also individually calibrated "in house". This is an extremely expensive offer.
 Pioneer Blog | Speaker/Subwoofer enclosure tips 
However, the closed-box speaker's operating characteristics are more friendly to listening to music.
Also interesting for the PC4uMusic configuration is a very simple system with cheap passive speakers in a closed enclosure and the D'Appolito design, which are characterized by quite good parameters and are manufactured in Poland.
Even more interesting possibilities are provided by the new configuration with 4 loudspeakers. The problem, however, is providing the appropriate signal to drive them, although the amplifiers are already very affordable.

Microsoft's system drivers for the sound processor have for years had automatic calibration (correction) of the signal to the speakers to take into account their placement in the room. With such calibration, even cheap speakers are able to reproduce music more faithfully.
Such calibration will have a very positive effect with very good passive Swedish speakers with concrete housings of the transmission line type. They were manufactured in the 80s of the last century and due to their age the components in their crossovers have changed their properties.
Rzut ekranu z ustawieniem w Dirac Live Room Correction Suite for Windows
 It is also worth investing in an advanced Swedish calibration program to enjoy the music played with these unique speakers. The manufacturer's website statesDirac’s technology redefines high-performance audio. Our software makes precise measurements and solves audio imperfections for any space. You get tight, powerful bass, increased clarity, and imaging with pinpoint accuracy.
The correction offered by Microsoft and Direac requires a microphone. However, in the driver of the sound processor manufacturer Realtek there is a possibility of manual setting, which with the right knowledge is also very helpful
2x50W in back-loaded horn for 4x100 at home is an entry that discusses the transmission line and the possibility of building an amplifier for active speakers yourself


  1. Learn Windows Windows Drivers:

    Room correction processing optimizes the listening experience for a particular location in the room, for example, the center cushion of your couch, by automatically calculating the optimal combination of delay, frequency response, and gain adjustments.

    The room correction feature better matches sound to the image on the video screen and is also useful in cases where desktop speakers are placed in nonstandard locations. Room correction processing is an improvement over similar features in high-end receivers because it better accounts for the way in which the human ear processes sound.

    Calibration is performed with the help of a microphone, and the procedure can be used with both stereo and multichannel systems. The user places the microphone where the user intends to sit and then activates a wizard that measures the room response. The wizard plays a set of specially designed tones from each loudspeaker in turn, and measures the distance, frequency response, and overall gain of each loudspeaker from the microphone's location.

    If the user has a good microphone, the calibration procedure automatically attempts to flatten the frequency response of each channel to compensate for relative differences in the channels, as well as any deficiencies in each channel's frequency response.

    After these measurements have been made, they are stored as a profile that is used by the room correction DSP to correct the delay, overall gain, and frequency balance between loudspeaker locations. Room correction ensures that the listening area will be a good stereo and multichannel soundstage with improved timbre, envelopment, and front and back sensation when compared to the uncorrected system.

  2. archive description of Swedish speakers in a concrete enclosure

    1. Rauna had a slogan: "The worst thing you can build out of six chipboard pieces is a loudspeaker". The phrase was coined by a HiFi Show visitor after listening to a demonstration of the Rauna Leira speakers.


  3. June 14, 2024, What Is D’Appolito Speaker Design

    1. One of the most important speaker building projects published by audioXpress, THOR was designed by Joseph (Joe) D'Appolito, who is world-renowned for his pioneering work on MTM-based (mid-tweeter-mid) loudspeaker configurations. The original THOR transmission-line design was published in May 2002 and Joe himself wrote about the project: “Transmission Line loudspeakers have long enjoyed a small, but dedicated following. The advantages of TL’s are well known. They are essentially non-resonant enclosures, producing a deep, well-controlled bass response. For a given driver, bass response will extend well below that produced with either a vented or sealed enclosure using the same driver. Above a few hundred Hz, the line filling material completely absorbs the driver backwave, giving the TL an open, non-boxy sound.”


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